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Application form - Business Plan

Contact Information

Name of project or firm:(*)
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Name and Surname:(*)
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E-mail: (*)
Invalid input

Phone/Mob.: (*)
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Information about the business:

Name of the company when you open it, or where does it operate:(*)
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Mark the status!(*)
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If you are owner of another company!

Name and title of company which you own:
Invalid input

Is the company a member of any association or chamber:
Invalid input

Financial operations of the company is:
Invalid Input

Company Sector:
Invalid input

Number of Company Employees:
Invalid input

Type of business:
Invalid input

Describe your new business idea:(*)
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Why would a fund for SMEs help to your particular project:(*)
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How do you spend stimulus and witch shape of stimulus you are interested in:(*)
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Describe activities in which you are going to invest stimulus:(*)
Inavalid Input

Financial data !

The entire project cost:(*)
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Expected cofinancing:(*)
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Describe rest funding in the amount of 40% of the project cost:(*)
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Describe past investments in the business idea:(*)
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Describe, if you succeed, how many jobs will be open in 2 years:(*)
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Describe, how other companies will benefit from your project:(*)
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Describe, how it will Fund for SMEs help you to be successful and how will it be able to check (indicators):
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Financial plan:(*)
Invalid input

Unesite: Iznos i oblik potpore i očekivani datum potpore

Statement: I understand all the terms of this call and I understand all the legal and financial consequences if I do not succeed!

Invalid input

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This application send to the no later than:(*)
Invalid input

Note: This form is for informational purposes so that you can prepare your business plans. After all criteria are completed an official invitation for financing from the Fund for SMEs is published, the final version of the form will be available.

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